Start a revolution: A Dinner Party Revolution!

When you start living a life of Straight Truth, you’ll quickly find you have a desire to shed a lot of those old stories, beliefs and habits that keep you stuck in a rut.

But sometimes it’s hard to see in yourself what’s grist for the mill and what’s dead weight. So why not use our Dinner Party Revolution idea to get to the heart of the matter?

After plating the crab cakes, mustard greens with sweet red pepper, cous cous salad with cantaloupe and cilantro, each guest could take turns posing this to another: “The part of you I’d like to see you ‘pink slip’ is this and the part of you I’d like to see you move to a corner office is that.” Now that would be an amazing party. And I promise everyone will say goodnight feeling more alive than ever.

Some of what I’d imagine you’d hear at the party is:

You need to pink slip the you who claims to be too fat. It’s a lie! Too fat is not who you are (unless you are meaning too phat!). We don’t love you because you’re pretty, we love you because your soul is beautiful. Because when you walk into the room everything changes. Your smile engenders smiles. Your style captivates. The enthusiasm in your voice hooks everyone. What power you have over others? Everyone in your presence has their tail wagging waiting to get patted on the head. Jane, move the you who is too phat to the corner office and never let that “too fat” talk surface again.

You need to pink slip being a wise a$$; it’s not who you are. You’re actually a wise man. In fact, no one has had more life experience and exposure as you. You’re exceptionally gifted in framing of world, and every pearl of wisdom you offer is immensely helpful to all. We all benefit from your talents, and I can’t think of a better person to be in a fox hole with during crises. But be it your sarcasm or your need to be right or have the final word, we approach you with caution. Because when you lead from your head, the relationship with us is dead. Todd, we all know that chances are slim that Oprah will sing the praises our latest innovation or that our dream journals and shaman’s suggestions are magical. We don’t need you to diminish our vision, we need you to do your magic to it by expanding our vision. We want you to be curious, not always so precise because that all-knowing thing you’ve got is what stops you from growing. So move the wise man to the corner office and give the wise ass the pink slip blues.

We know that hating on your parents makes the list of “stuff white people like.” But you’re not even white! And you’re certainly not an innocent. So pink slip the professional victim. Can her. Tell her to go troll somewhere else. Your mother did wrong giving you her undivided attention and overindulging you. She robbed you of the opportunity to decorate your first apartment with used furniture. And even now, she never lets you the struggle with the challenge of finding a sitter on the weekends. When you griping and moaning about all of this it diminishes the real you. You have the most powerful voice of all of us at this table. It resonates throughout the community. Who but you could get an old roller skating rink on the historical register and prevent a tear down? Who got our city’s recycling center going? And who’s responsible for the Save Darfur signs in our front yards along with half the town? So we say to move the professional vixen to the corner office and never kick that faux victim to the curb.
Doesn’t this sound like a life-changing party?
Remember: Although what you and your friends can do for one another to promote the real you and discard the fake version is paramount to what I can do for you, I’d love to help you unpack that baggage you’ve been carrying. Let’s work together to sort through the stuff that’s fresh and new so we can unleash the real you that we all love.

Be peace, be love,


Do I believe in New Year's Resolutions? OMG, yes!