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"Jerome has amazing intellect and insight. He will make you laugh and cry—at yourself and with yourself—and in the end,  you will know and understand yourself a lot better than before, be able to make decisions with clarity and peace, and live a much happier life."

—Catherine Grimes

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"Jerome’s perspectives will startle you with their accuracy and provide you real opportunity to create profound change."

—Dr. David McMillan, Clinical Psychologist

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"I can honestly say that my life wouldn’t be the same without Jerome. He’s my best champion and my biggest fan and I know I can always, always count on him. It’s like he has x-ray vision into what’s holding me back. (I’d almost say he’s intuitive). Most importantly, his crystal-clear insights help me really change how I am in the world. If you want action, work with him—now!”

—Laura Scholes

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"Jerome’s ability to facilitate change in others is a rare talent. He has a unique style that allows him to engage his clients, translate their struggle, and feed it back to them in a manner that prompts more life-fulfilling change. He has not only continued to inspire me personally, but has also served as a necessary asset to the field of psychology.”

—Dr. Keisha Bean, psychologist

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"Jerome’s coaching has helped me surpass so many boundaries that have fenced me in and kept me from achieving my seemingly unreachable goals. There is something refreshingly transcendent about him. He can move the most stationary heart to acknowledge its resistance and take the necessary steps to act in the face of fear."

—Jonathon Jircitano

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"Jerome has taught me things about myself and my career that has helped me develop. His positive energy is simply contagious and his little sayings—or what I like to call “Jerome-isms”—whether for inspiration or entertainment always keep me wanting more!"

—Chelsea Frazer, interior designer, www.chelseafrazer.com

"Jerome doesn’t just sit and listen. He is direct, blunt, empathetic, funny and flat-out real. I believe he is one of the very best practicing today not only because he’s helped so many people I care about, but also because he was the very best at helping me!"

—Dale Robble, Senior Pastor, Highland Park Church, Nashville, TN

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"Jerome’s coaching will hit you in the gut, the heart and the head. He will help you laugh, cry, think and move up or out or sideways! I would highly recommend him for anyone who is looking for true insight into themselves and has the courage to make the adjustments he recommends."

—Diane Davis Barrentine

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"Jerome is a solid therapist who uses concrete therapy to get to the root of the problem and then is able to facilitate real change that will make a difference in someones life. He has such an honest, sincere and heartfelt technique—my
patients really like his no-nonsense rational approach."

—Joseph Sharpe, MD